Friday, December 19, 2008

Being Happy

Being happy can be hard sometimes, it's like maintaining a nice home and got to hang on our treasures and throw out the garbage, and it also requires looking for good things as well. One person sees the beautiful view and the other sees the dirty window. When we're unhappy just because life is not as we want it and it's not matching our expectations of how it ought to be perhaps.

Well, it's true that laughter is kind of mechanism may heal person's unhappiness in a short moment or maybe a little longer trying to relieve pains or stress to minimum. I don' think I'm being negative thinking but it's a fact, and what happen next after laughter has gone ?


1 comment:

  1. All I can say, 2008 has come to an end, let's be happy to enjoy the rest of the week in 2008..

    2009 will be a tough year ahead of us.. nobody knows what's gonna to happen..

    For now, don't worry be happy
